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NPV -Trans

Realize at least 7-8% savings on your organization's energy spend.

NPV Solar, powered by Transparent Energy, ensures pricing is competitive with live reverse auctions.


Auction Maverick-1

Take a look at the impact a live reverse auction could have on your energy budget!

Our tried-and-true method and our unique reverse-auction platform dramatically lower prices compared to those achieved by conventional paper-based RFPs.

Why NPV Solar and Transparent Energy

Check out our two-pager to find out why your trusted advisor, NPV Solar, has teamed up with Transparent Energy and what benefits there are for you and your organization.

Customer Experiences

Read about organizations that have managed their energy budget with NPV Solar, powered by Transparent Energy.


Episode 1: Benefits of an auction

Episode 2: Market Timing

Episode 3: Large Supplier Pool

Episode 4: Risk Premium

Powering the Future: Navigating the Current Energy Market through Procurement Strategy and Renewable Energy Solutions. 

Listen to our latest webinar on energy markets and how to navigate them to meet your budget goals, mitigate risk, and make measurable progress on your sustainability initiatives. Our webinar took place on September 26, 2023.

Reach out to Learn more about Energy Saving!


Jamie Cox

Partner: NPV Solar

Phone: 310-200-2145

Jamie Cox

NPV Solar does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm or firms. NPV and Transparent Energy are separate, unrelated entities.